Portfolio > Short Courses

Modern Journalism

Modern Journalism is an introductory course for individuals interested in learning technical skills required of practitioners of the field of journalism. It provides an understanding of the breadth of the field and the diversity of elements and subfields that constitute it. This course is taught by professional journalists and intended for future colleagues, while accounting for the expanding definition of what journalists cover and how they work. 

It covers issues specific to journalism and journalists, including: the social role of the journalist; the importance of craft (expository, explanatory, and literary technique); the basic skills needed to produce journalism utilizing the written word and audio, visual, and digital mediums; the story from idea generation (emphasizing in-depth research and interviewing technique), continuing all the way up to writing, rewriting and the editing process. 

Students take this course so that they can:

  • Start a journalism career (freelance or staff)

  • Understand the role, rights, and responsibilities of professional journalists

  • Report and comment on the significant topics and events in the world

  • Get work in front of the right editors or publishers

  • Focus and refine interests to know where to devote resources for their next career steps

  • Acquire the terminology and industry best practices necessary to work at a journalistic outlet

Modern Journalism consists of six course modules:

  • Acts of Journalism Today

  • Journalistic Inquiry: Basic Investigating and Reporting

  • Storytelling the Truth: Longform and Feature Writing

  • Multimedia Storytelling

  • The Journalist and Social Media

  • The Journalism Business and the Working Journalist